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When You Should Consider Visiting an Emergency Dentist

Most people visit the dentist once or twice a year, but it is impossible to know when a visit to an emergency dentist might be necessary. These dentists work on issues that must be treated immediately and cannot wait for a scheduled appointment.

At Home Tips From an Emergency Dentist for a Toothache

When you cannot reach an emergency dentist, relying on professional tips can help relieve your toothache.

Three Tips an Emergency Dentist Recommends to Remedy Toothaches

An emergency dentist can treat toothaches in a variety of ways if the pain becomes intolerable or the symptoms present a risk of worsening and causing other oral health issues if not treated promptly. However, for minor toothaches that can … Continued

Where to Go for Emergency Dental Care Near West Covina

Emergency Dental Care can be needed at any time and people often panic when they realize that there an emergency is occurring. Knowing what to do and where to go for a dental emergency can be frightening and hard to … Continued

Break or Crack a Tooth? Here’s What to do Next

Although teeth are the hardest part of our body and we generally do not worry about it happening, anyone that has broken or cracked a tooth knows how painful it can be. Despite being as careful as you can, you might … Continued

What is Considered a Dental Emergency?

What really constitutes a dental emergency? This is a question that people ask us on a regular basis. Most patients do not want to call something an emergency when it really is not. Partially because life is busy and they do … Continued