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What is a Fixed Partial Denture?

If you are missing either one or multiple teeth, you may want to ask your dentist if a partial denture is suitable for you.

What Types of Materials Are Used in Making Dentures?

A lot of people are curious about what materials are used to make dental dentures. This article will show you the different types of materials that can be used and their benefits, and which material is best for your situation.

Ask a Dentist: When Should I Get Dentures?

Deciding that it might be time to start considering dentures isn’t always the most exciting conversation. However, it can be challenging for many people to determine if they are ready for dentures or if there is another option. First, it … Continued

3 Signs Your Dentures Need an Adjustment

You wear dentures and you cannot help but wonder if you need a denture adjustment. You have heard that adjustments are common, but you do not know the signs that an adjustment is needed. Learn the common signs that indicate … Continued

Are Partial Dentures Right for Me?

Partial dentures consist of replacement teeth that are attached to a gum-colored plastic base. The base is sometimes attached to the natural teeth using a metal framework that holds it in place in the mouth. They are used to replace … Continued

How Flexible Partial Dentures Can Improve Your Smile

Looking for information on flexible partial dentures because you are missing multiple teeth? When you are missing multiple teeth, it not only negatively affects your overall oral health, it also negatively affects your ability to smile with confidence. Missing teeth … Continued

3 Alternatives to Dentures

What Are Dentures? Dentures are artificially made teeth that are custom made to replace your missing teeth. These dentures are not permanently set in your mouth – making it easy to take them out and put them back in, whenever … Continued

Dental Implants are an Alternative to Dentures for Missing Teeth

Anyone who is currently wearing dentures and looking for a more durable solution needs to consider dental implants. The same is true for anyone who is missing teeth and has yet to replace them. Implants are the most durable and … Continued