Avoid Future Health Risks by Visiting a Sleep Apnea Dentist

Posted on: June 15, 2017

Sleep ApneaIf you are having trouble sleeping, you may need to visit a sleep apnea dentist. A sleep apnea dentist can alleviate many of the symptoms that make it a struggle to sleep at night and hard to feel rejuvenated every morning. If you notice you have headaches or feel extra groggy every morning, you could be waking up during the night several times without even realizing it. You could also find it hard to fall into a deep sleep in the first place due to restlessness from an unknown cause. This condition is known as sleep apnea, and without treatment, in addition to making it hard to rest soundly every night, it could pose huge risks to your overall health in the long run.

Long-term Risks of Untreated Sleep Apnea

High Blood Pressure

A sleep apnea dentist can treat sleep apnea and help the patient avoid developing high blood pressure. When the pressure and force of blood against the arteries gets to a dangerous level, it is called high blood pressure. High blood pressure can lead to heart disease and stroke.


A stroke is the result of blood clots forming, blocking blood supplies, a blood vessel ruptures or high blood pressure creates too much force in an artery near the brain. Avoiding sleep apnea treatment from a sleep apnea dentist increases the risk of sleep apnea.

Heart Disease

Because sleep apnea prevents one from sleeping restfully every night, one’s blood pressure increases. High blood pressure is a risk factor for heart disease. Heart disease is known to be the leading cause of death in America. People identify heart disease by the presence of damaged or diseased blood vessels in the heart, blood clots, and high blood pressure.


When one struggles for air during sleep, the body releases fight or flight hormones that raise blood glucose levels. This constant pattern can lead to type 2 diabetes. Treating one’s condition with treatment from a sleep apnea dentist will result in more stable blood glucose levels and reduced insulin resistance. These improvements can correct the effects and symptoms of diabetes.


Not sleeping deeply enough every night can increase the likelihood of being irritable and depressed. According to the National Sleep Foundation, in Europe, people with depression are five times more likely to suffer from forms of sleep apnea or sleep disordered breathing. This correlation means that treating sleep apnea appropriately can lead to significant improvements in the symptoms of depression.

Receiving Sleep Apnea Treatment Will Help

Not only will receiving treatment from a sleep apnea dentist help you sleep better and allow your loved ones an uninterrupted night of rest, but it will also combat the potential risks listed above. If sleep partners complain of your snoring or disordered breathing, and you have noticed you feel drowsy and experience headaches throughout the day, you could be suffering from obstructive sleep apnea.

To learn more about the treatment options we offer that can dramatically benefit your night of rest and your health, visit our West Covina sleep apnea dentist office.

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